Did you know..? 文化 (wénhuà):culture.

Chinese people are used to celebrate many Festivals during the whole year; here are a list of their Festival, enjoy the reading!

The Chinese New year’s day, also known as the Spring Festival: 春节 chūn jié (chūn 春 in means Spring and jié 节festival or celebration)



The Lantern Festival 元宵节  ( xiāo 宵 means dark, night): The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar month, and traditionally ends the Chinese New Year period. After the Lantern Festival, all New Year decorations are taken down.




International working woman’s day 国际劳动妇女节  (guòjì 国际 means international and láodóng 劳动 labour  fù 妇 means wife, nǚ女 means woman). This day is celebrated on 8th of march.

international working days


Tombs-sweeping Festival 清明节 qīngmíngjiē (清明清明 : clear and bright): also known as Pure Brightness Festival falls on april 5th of the gregorian calendar. From this date temperatures begin to rise and rainfalls increase indicating that this is a crucial time for plowing and sowing. This festival has also a close relationship with nature because it’s a day dedicated to the spring outings , paying respect to the dead and other activities.



International Labour Day 国际劳动 国际劳动

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Chinese Youth Day 青年节(青年qīngnián means giovani). Every year on 4 May China celebrates Youth Day. This holiday is officially a day-off and is part of the so-called “golden week”, when the whole China celebrates May holidays for 7 days. Youth Day as a public holiday has been celebrated since 1949. It is associated with an important historic event in the development of Chinese democracy. It was May 4, 1919 when young people began mass demonstrations which became a kind of trigger to start the national liberation movement in China.

youth day



The Dragon boat festival 端午节 dūanwǔjié (端 duān means dragon). This festival is celebrated during the summer months, is full of traditions and superstitions. This is also the day where the poet Qu Yuan is worshipped. During this day dragon boat racing has become an important competitive sport.



International children’s day 国际儿童节 guójìértóngjiē (儿童 értóng: child). This festival is celebrated on 1st june and remember us to be grateful to children, able to light the adults and elders life tired by many trials and vicissitudes of life.

Such gratitude engage all of us to face the abuses against them and defend their life before they born.




The Party’s Birthday 共产党  gòngchāngdāng (共产党 means Communist Party). This day is the Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party. In May 1938,  Mao suggested that July 1st be the anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party to mark the first central committee of the Communist Party of China held in July 1921. From then on, Chinese people celebrate the birth of the Chinese Communist Party every year to remind them that without the Communist Party, there would be no precious happy life today.




The Army’s Day 建军节 jiànjūjié (jiàn to found, jūn means army, soldiers ). Army of China upon establishing its authority decided to immortalize this day in history, awarding it a status of a national holiday. On August 1st it was officially recognized as Army Day in China. In 1946 the workers and peasants’ army was renamed into the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.




Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 (中 zhōngin the middle, 秋qiū means autumn and 节 jié means festival). It is also called “Moon Festival”.The Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most important traditional festival to Chinese people after Chinese New Year. It takes its name from the fact that it is always celebrated in the middle of the autumn season. The day is also known as the Moon Festival, as at that time of the year the moon is at its roundest and brightest.



Teacher’s Day:老师节 (老师 lǎoshì means teacher)

teachers day


National Day 国庆节 guóqìngjié (国庆 guóqìng means National)  Chinese National Day is celebrated on October 1st every year to commemorate the founding of People’s Republic of China. On that day, lots of large-scaled activities are held nationwide.
National day china



New Years’s Eve:除夕 chúxī ( chú means to remove and xī夕 means  night, dusk)Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival in China, is China’s most important traditional festival.

new years eve

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